Thursday, July 11, 2013

Looking Like He’s Supposed To, The Plo Koon Mighty Muggs Is Less Of A Disappointment!

The Good: Costume looks more or less right, Decent accessory, Looks pretty much right
The Bad: Giant head, Heavy, Light on detailing.
The Basics: The Plo Koon Mighty Muggs figure is pretty much what one expects from Mighty Muggs, but because it is such a basic character design anyway, it ends up as less of a disappointment than some.

When it comes to the Star Wars Mighty Muggs figures, there are very few I ended up keeping in my permanent collection after I bought some cases of the fool things on severe discount. This is not a toy that wowed me at all. However, outside the few of my favorite characters that I have built my permanent collection around, I discovered that against the odds, I had held onto the Plo Koon Mighty Muggs and I’m all right with that. This figure/statue is pretty much what one expects from Mighty Muggs, but is much less offensive to my sensibilities because the character upon which it is based is very simple and appears in an animated form (prominently) anyways. Plus, Star Wars alien Jedi are just pretty cool regardless of the medium!

Mighty Muggs toys look like they might be plush as they feature animated versions of recognizable Star Wars characters. However, the cartoon-like heads atop disproportionately smaller bodies simply revealed that the heads and toys were solid, like ceramic (they are, in fact, made of a super-hard, heavy plastic). This is as true of the Plo Koon as it is of other Mighty Muggs figures.

For those unfamiliar with Plo Koon, he appeared originally in The Phantom Menace (reviewed here!) as one of the members of the Jedi Council. His inactivity evaporated in Attack Of The Clones and, like most of the Jedi, he met his end in Revenge Of The Sith. He is one of the Jedi Masters who is prominently featured in The Clone Wars as well.

The Mighty Muggs Plo Koon figure is all right, largely because the character was very simple and was featured (in much worse forms) in the original Cartoon Network Clone Wars series (and toy line!).


Plo Koon is an alien Jedi, seen on Coruscant and Genosis in the prequel Trilogy. The figure stands 7" tall. Plo Koon is dressed in a brown cloak over a cream-colored and tan outfit that is painted solidly onto the puffy body of the toy. There are no additional costume details on the toy, though this version has the dark brown cloak over the lighter tunic that Plo Koon wears.

This toy is a poor sculpt which looks like an oversized, fattened up LEGO figure and the Mighty Muggs figure has a solid body that looks like dress bottom. The hands are open slightly and this allows Plo Koon to hold his ridiculous plastic lightsaber. Plo Koon’s face is appropriately obscured by the alien’s breathing apparatus. As with virtually all of the Mighty Muggs, the breathing apparatus detail is only painted on, not molded onto the face of the figure.


Plo Koon, Jedi Master as he is, comes with one accessory, his lightsaber. The three inch long choking hazard fits in Plo Koon's right hand. This is a monolithically molded silver and translucent blue cylinder which looks vaguely like a lightsaber.


The Mighty Muggs toy line was designed for no good reason I can find, perhaps just because someone realized Star Wars fans would buy almost anything (which, given how many waves of Star Wars Mighty Muggs figures there were, seemed to be a good assumption!). This heavy toy can be harmful to children and is more intended as a display statue.

Plo Koon comes with only three points of articulation, all of which are simple swivel joints. He has joints at the shoulders and neck. The elbows do not extend, so all arm posing is straight-armed. To be fair, the figure does stand up.


The Plo Koon is part of the Mighty Muggs Star Wars collection, which no one I know would ever spend money on, save on severe clearance. The value of these is already declining because it was drastically overproduced in relation to customer demand.


Despite how ridiculous the Mighty Muggs figures are in general, Plo Koon is actually one of the better ones because he looks like the character does for the most part. If one had to buy a Mighty Muggs Star Wars toy, it might as well be this one.

For other Star Wars Mighty Muggs toys, please check out my reviews of:
Qui-Gon Jinn
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Younger)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Older)
Luke Skywalker
Hoth Han Solo
Hoth Luke Skywalker
Grand Moff Tarkin
Bespin Luke Skywalker


For other toy reviews, please visit my Toy Review Index Page for an organized listing!

© 2013 W.L. Swarts. May not be reprinted without permission.
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